Psychology homework help

Psychology homework help. Create a 15 page essay paper that discusses Strategic Information Systems.In the contemporary business setting, the ERP program is important as it can coordinate and organize all transactions taking place and the employee database and performance. Managing the work force especially in medium and large organizations is tasking and the introduction of ERP systems ensures follow up and implementation of polices where necessary (Axtell, 2001). Managing the organization in terms of the internal and external aspects becomes easier with an ideal ERP system. Apple Inc. has enjoyed improved and less hectic management processes that have enhanced good employer-employee relationships.&nbsp.Another importance of the ERP systems in the contemporary organizations is that old systems of resource planning often wasted a lot of organization’s time and resources. This was due to the challenges of time, communication and coordination (Axtell, 2001). The long chain of communication lengthened the time taken to produce affective as compared to the modern ERPO systems. Apple Inc. is a company that employed the ERP system to eliminate the unnecessary formalities that came in the way of ideal production and delivery. Recording of data in the company and retrieval of the same is now instant with employment of ERP systems that are powered by technology (Doloreux, 2010). Apple is proud of its association with the ERP idea that has enabled the company to soar to unprecedented heights through a wide market share and an improved brand image.Enterprise resource planning is described as computer based systems.

Psychology homework help