Political Science homework help. Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on importance of the triaxial experiment. The triaxial test is highly reliable since both the undrained and drained shear strengths are measured. Specimens of approximately 1.4 diameter and 3 tall were used by encasing using a thin rubber membrane and the setting of the plastic cylindrical chamber. The cell pressure was applied to the chamber, representing ?3 via cell fluid pressurizing, mainly water. The vertical stresses were increased via loading of the specimen, through raising of the platen, and through the addition of loads directly. The total material vertical stress, which is ?1, is obtained from the sum of deviator stress and ?3. The measurement of deviator, pore pressure, and axial deformation were recorded.The objective of the experiment, the triaxial test, was out the materials angle of shearing, that is, or t. and the undrained shearing strength, which is represented by cu via the consolidated undrained triaxial test.The engineering strength of the soil materials was analyzed via the triaxial apparatus. The triaxial test is done in the cell and is usually named as such since there are three principal stresses that are applied to any soil sample. From the test, two of the major or principal stresses are exerted on the sample through water pressure found inside the confining cell, and are normally equal. a third major or principal stress is usually exerted by the loading ram via the top of the set-up cell and hence might be varying from the other two major or principal stresses.The purpose of the constant head material test was to determine the soil specimen permeability, that is hydraulic conductivity, via the constant head test method. this is a routine permeability test done in the laboratory to soils that are permeable, having k>.10-4 cm/s. Permeability indicates easiness in which water can flow via a soil.