Your goal is to show you can apply what you learned in class to what you see in the documentary. The film can be found here: (Links to an external

Your goal is to show you can apply what you learned in class to what you see in the documentary. 

The film can be found here: (Links to an external site.)

  • Analyze.
  • Question assumptions.
  • Look out for cause-and-effect relationships.
  • Apply course material and social theory to your society.
  • Describe and explain social patterns.

Target length: 1 page exactly (If you choose to use titles or headings, please put them on a title page, so you don’t lose any space).  You may not hit the length target, and that is not the end of the world (or your grade), but focus and control are important writing skills so try. 

The text of your paper should begin at the top of the page and continue to the bottom of that page (within one line of the bottom margin). Try not to go over 1 page, although if you have a really good point to make I will not count off.

Format–10%   12 point Times New Roman; 1 inch margins on all sides, double spaced, indent new paragraphs.

Mechanics – 20%

Your writing should consist of grammatically complete sentences with correct spelling and punctuation.

Content – 70%

Link to textbook – Chapter 5 has topics to include