Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on a strong passion for medicine.

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on a strong passion for medicine. Unit Ever since I was a small child, I had a strong passion for medicine. It was clear to me that only time and finances stood in my way of becoming a doctor. While my age mates were playing with ordinary toys, I often played with a laboratory kit. My parents were immigrants from Vietnam, and they had to work hard under payment of minimum wage just to ensure our survival. I grew up knowing that nothing good comes easy in life, as I had to work from when I was fourteen in order to get school fees and help my parents with the household income. This instilled a sense of hard work and work ethic from a very young age.

In the summer of 2004, my dear grandfather passed away after he underwent cardiac surgery. The doctor treating him made sure that we were informed during the whole time. Even though sad, this experience inspired me even more to want to study medicine. The doctor was so professional and gave us comfort at a very trying time in our lives.

Two of my greatest achievements so far have been attaining a black belt in tae kwon-do and Karate. These two sports have instilled self-discipline in me, in addition to helping me in spiritual growth. Another factor that has stilled a sense of patience and perseverance in me is playing the piano, which I was taught by my mother at a very young age and later perfected it in a music school. I have also diligently worked in Tan and Beauty World Salon where I managed to rise from the lowest to the General manager’s position at the present. Therefore, I know that dedication, passion and diligence always produce great results. This is applicable in the medical field whereby a doctor has to be dedicated and committed to the well-being of patients. I also worked as a volunteer at the St. Louis hospital where I was able to observe and appreciate the compassion that doctors have for patients and their families.

I am currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in investigative and medical sciences major, and biology minor at St. Louis University. I am passionate about medicine and would like to use the profession to assist others. I am empathetic in nature, and this trait together with my life experiences has helped me sharpen my leadership skills, which I know will be important in dealing with different circumstances, that usually present themselves to doctors. Stanford University has one of the best medical schools in the world, and I want it to be the place where I get my medical degree and start my long awaited career as a doctor. I am hardworking, mature and a person of high integrity and moral character. Once offered the medicine study candidacy, I will fully and appropriately utilize the opportunity as expected of me.