This is an unfinished Group paper here, you need to work for three part of this paper, they are: 1. Long Terms Impacts If Issue Remains Unaddressed. ( one page, double space ) 2.  Available Solutions

This is an unfinished Group paper here, you need to work for three part of this paper, they are:

1. Long Terms Impacts If Issue Remains Unaddressed. ( one page, double space )

2.  Available Solutions ( One and half pages, double space)

3.  Policy Recommendation (One and half pages, doule space)

To help you with these parts, it’s helpful to read what has been done in the paper. Please be sure to refer to the references already given in the paper. 

The following is a description of the requirements for the whole paper. And the description of each of the three parts (they will also provide in the paper):

Research Paper (GROUP):

Students, as a group, are expected to complete a research paper – an in-depth analysis of a public financial management or fiscal issue faced by a Southern California local government (city or county). Within the space of 15 pages double-spaced research paper the students are expected to describe the financial management or fiscal issue, review the academic literature on the topic, identify available solutions, compare alternatives, evaluate the long-term impacts and argue for one specific course of action or policy. 

Long Terms Impacts If Issue Remains Unaddressed – here you examine the possible long term financial and fiscal impacts in case the issue remains unaddressed. 

Available Solutions – in this section you identify the solutions that are available to the local government in terms of addressing the issue. You discuss the major benefits and drawbacks of each of the solution.

 Policy Recommendation – after identifying all possible solution, in this section you provide your policy recommendations for addressing the financial and fiscal issue faced by the local government. You draw you recommendation based on the research that you have conducted.