Income Statement Current Period Dollars in Millions Interest Income Expense Prior Period Dollars…

Income Statement Current Period Dollars in Millions Interest Income Expense Prior Period Dollars in Millions Interest Income Expense ? $4,519 $5,288 $4,658 $9,946 $9,131 3216 $5,915 ? $10,072 Revenue Interest income Interest expense Net Interest income Non Interest income Total Revenue Expense Provision for loan losses Non interest expense Total Expense Income before income taxes Income tax expense Net income $1,003 $4,849 $5,852 $4,094 ? $2,755 $985 $4,479 $5,464 $4,608 $1,507 $3,101 Assets Balance Sheet Current Period Dollars in Millions Prior Period Dollars in Millions $157,274 $176,922 $178,359 $98,022 ? $110,163 $683,386 $39,112 $722,498 $32,575 $79,854 $834,927 ? $92,207 105048 $101,097 $644,472 $37,924 $682,396 $30,558 $80,837 $793,791 Federal Funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell Residential mortgage Credit card Direct/Indirect consumer Commercial Total loans and leases Other earning assets Total earning assets Cash and cash equivalents Allowance for loan and lease losses Total Assets Liabilities Domestic interest-bearing deposits Savings Now and money market deposit accounts CDs and time deposits Total interest-bearing deposits Federal funds purchased, securities sold under agreements to repurchase and other short-term borruyvings Long-term debt Total interest-bearing liabilities Non-interest-bearing liabilities Total Liabilities Shareholder’s equity Total Liabilities and Shareholder’s equity $39,056 $238,584 $134,799 $410,420 $128,171 $37,275 $223,376 $121,456 $382,107 $1,161,102 $76,037 $614,628 $148,101 $762,729 ? $834,927 $78,934 $575,043 $1,449,111 $ 719,944 ? $793,791