Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic EMs education program for a community based on EMS related issues within the community.

Hi, need to submit a 500 words paper on the topic EMs education program for a community based on EMS related issues within the community. EMs programs EMS (Emergency Medical Services) education programs are significant in any community because theyact as the solutions to many EMS related issues especially in the rural areas. These programs are aimed at increasing the health situation to the vulnerable areas and the provision of emergency medical care.

Serious cases are either air lifted or facilitated by use of vehicles.

The communities targeted in this research are the rural African and marginalized communities. These are the areas that are most vulnerable in illnesses. These are mostly the rural areas where development is less and the people there receive less or inadequate resources such as ambulance, first aid care, physicians for an immediate action.

Such areas are majorly faced by the EMS problem of disease outbreak. These areas are constantly faced with malaria outbreak thus high mortality rate of both children and adults. Accessing health facilities is a problem to such people because of the following reasons. Poverty level, poor transport, poor communication. Unless health facilities and governments come up with long lasting strategies to avert the situation, then the nationals in such areas continue to suffer more and more.

The community education program that can be employed to avert the above situation of malaria epidemic is first to develop, collect and disseminate the necessary information on the importance of good health to individuals and the importance of living in clean environment. In this case, professionals trained in the field of medicine should be given the first priority to undertake the exercise. The training programs should also be made affordable and accessible so as to achieve the entire goal.

There are some established communities agencies which I can well involve myself in and provide the program. These agencies are either private or public but with a common goal of providing quick response to any medical care in a certain community. These agencies include NHTSA. This agency has been leading for the past forty years in the provision of a system approach to emergency medical services in various communities. Volunteers and other trained medical personnel have teamed up in the past to provide much assistance to these communities. NEMSIS (National Emergency Medical Services Information System) is another cooperative agency in the same ( Brenna, pg. 60).

Research shows that there few developed programs designed to provide emergency medical services. This is due to some challenges faced such as lack of adequate trained personnel to conduct such services, slow response to cases of emergency in rural areas, poor communication and undeveloped infrastructure.

Carrying out health assessment periodically is the first step to determine the effectiveness of the EMS program applied to a given community is the first remedy to determine the effectiveness of any program applied. Besides professionals and agencies can also find out if an EMS program is effective by conducting both qualitative and quantitative research in a given community. By this doing they will be able to analyze both past and current situation and come up with a correct finding on the same. An effective EMS program should be one that provides a quick solution to medical services in a given community ( Brenna, pg. 50).

Work cited

Brenna, John. Principles of EMS Systems. 3rd ed. Sudbury, Mass: Jones and Bartlett, 2006. Print.