ENSC E-123: HW2: More Combi Logic; PALs REV 0; February 5, 2015. Due Thursday Feb. 12, 2015 Total…

ENSC E-123: HW2: More Combi Logic; PALs REV 0; February 5, 2015. Due Thursday Feb. 12, 2015 Total points: 16 plus five more for Grads. The homework treats only combinational logic (with two minor exceptions: the switch debouncers and the ‘lockout’ problem); we concentrate, here, on PLDs and Verilog, in the hope that if you take the “Big Board” option, in the microcomputer labs, you will be able to put some of your computer’s glue logic onto a PAL.Document Preview:

ENSCE-123: HW2: MoreCombiLogic;PALs REV 0;February5,2015. DueThursdayFeb. 12,2015 Totalpoints: 16plus?ve more forGrads. Thehomeworktreatsonly combinationallogic(withtwominorexceptions: theswitchdebouncers and the ‘lockout’ problem); we concentrate, here, on PLDs and Verilog, in the hope that if you take the “Big Board” option, in the microcomputer labs, you will be able to put some of your computer’s glue logic onto a PAL. Even if you don’t do those labs, we’d like you to get used to doingacombinationaldesignwithVerilog. We’ll return, in next week’s homework, to some topics we’re now neglecting–?ops and counters, forexample. NOTE: thisassignmentasks you to useVerilog For most people, thatmeans downloadingthepro- gram to a PC at home. If you can’t do that, then you can use one of the lab PC’s, at a Saturday ‘help’session—whichTomwillhold,2-5p.m. Contents 1 Debouncers(3points: Grads: showTWOwaystodoeachdebouncer: + 2points) 1 1.1 SPST. ………………………… 1 1.2 SPDT ………………………… 2 2 Voting Machine(5 points) 2 3 Improvementto Votingmachine: lockout(Grads: 3points) 3 4 APLDProblem: Voting Machine(8 points) 4 1 Debouncers(3points: Grads: showTWOwaystodoeachdebouncer: +2 points) Grads: Pleasedon’tshowonemethodtwice,bytheway. 1.1 SPST Showhowtodebounceaswitchofthe single-pole,single-throwformshownbelow: Figure1: DebouncerforSPSTswitch (There’smore thanonewaytodoit.) Two ways,forGrads. 11.2 SPDT Showhowtodebounceaswitchofthe single-pole,double-throwformshownbelow: Figure2: DebouncerforSPDTswitch (There’s more than one way to do it.) Two ways, for Grads (and please don’t duplicate a method youshowedinparta)). 2 VotingMachine (5points) Using three switches as inputs indicating the votes of members A, B and C, design a circuit that shows the outcome of the group’s vote. (Don’t worry about switch bounce.) The circuit should performasfollows: 1. lightagreenLEDifthevoteisfavorable(2ormoreinfavor); 2. lightaredLEDif…