Earth Sciences homework help

Earth Sciences homework help. Write a 8 page essay on The Literature Review.Download file to see previous pages… To do this more comprehensively, the researcher shall make use ten major sources that have been annotated earlier as part of the research process. These sources are however not going to be reviewed independent of each other. Rather, the researcher shall set various themes that related directly to the research questions and specific objectives of the study. Under each theme, there shall be specific parameters of review which shall include analysis of the research on the research topic, investigating what has already been done in the area of study, outcomes of works that have already been done in the area of study, gaps in areas of the study that needs to be improved, overview of populations used in various studies relating to this area of study, methodologies that have been used by previous researchers, and the researchers personal interpretation of various information that will be sampled from the various studies. While finding answers to the parameters that have been given, the sources that were used in the annotation shall be used in an exclusive manner. Overview of the Research Topic The research topic focuses on the West Nile virus. This is a health topic that has been researched by several writers and health professionals. Gruszynski (2006) has identified the West Nile virus (WNV) to be a member of the genus Flavivirus that is transmitted mainly by mosquitoes. Looking in to the history of the disease in the United States, Gruszynski (2006) found that the first incidence of the disease was made in 1999 in New York. Since then, the disease would develop into a national epidemic as it covered as many as 48 states in just three years in 2002. The West Nile virus catches the attention of the researcher for further studies as revelations made in other works of literature actually point to the fact that the disease seems to have overtaken scientists in terms of control and treatment (Klenk and Komar, 2003). This is because as at now, there is no known specific treatment for the disease (Luanda, 2010). it is for this reason that Shortridge, Oya, Kobayashi and Duggan (2010) advocates an all-inclusive preventive approach to the disease as a way of ensuring that its risks on the human population is minimized. Until such a time that monitoring and control is used to reduce cases of new infections, studies by Asnis (2002) have warned that humans will continue to become victims of the disease. Existing Intervention to address the health topic Throughout literature, there seems to be a consensus on the approach to dealing with the disease. This approach focuses more on prevention rather than treatment, knowing that there is no known specific treatment for the disease as at now. In line with this, a number of existing interventions have been used by different researchers. On his part, Gruszynski (2006) recommends the use of an environmental predictive model for West Nile that makes use of a geographic information system and remote sensing for predict the prevalence of the disease in different geographic locations throughout United States. This idea is supported by Asnis (2002), who pointed out that geographic information systems would help in achieving accurate allocation of interventions to the health problem, which would focus on the use of the environment predictive model.

Earth Sciences homework help

Earth Sciences homework help

Earth Sciences homework help. Write a 8 page essay on The Literature Review.Download file to see previous pages… To do this more comprehensively, the researcher shall make use ten major sources that have been annotated earlier as part of the research process. These sources are however not going to be reviewed independent of each other. Rather, the researcher shall set various themes that related directly to the research questions and specific objectives of the study. Under each theme, there shall be specific parameters of review which shall include analysis of the research on the research topic, investigating what has already been done in the area of study, outcomes of works that have already been done in the area of study, gaps in areas of the study that needs to be improved, overview of populations used in various studies relating to this area of study, methodologies that have been used by previous researchers, and the researchers personal interpretation of various information that will be sampled from the various studies. While finding answers to the parameters that have been given, the sources that were used in the annotation shall be used in an exclusive manner. Overview of the Research Topic The research topic focuses on the West Nile virus. This is a health topic that has been researched by several writers and health professionals. Gruszynski (2006) has identified the West Nile virus (WNV) to be a member of the genus Flavivirus that is transmitted mainly by mosquitoes. Looking in to the history of the disease in the United States, Gruszynski (2006) found that the first incidence of the disease was made in 1999 in New York. Since then, the disease would develop into a national epidemic as it covered as many as 48 states in just three years in 2002. The West Nile virus catches the attention of the researcher for further studies as revelations made in other works of literature actually point to the fact that the disease seems to have overtaken scientists in terms of control and treatment (Klenk and Komar, 2003). This is because as at now, there is no known specific treatment for the disease (Luanda, 2010). it is for this reason that Shortridge, Oya, Kobayashi and Duggan (2010) advocates an all-inclusive preventive approach to the disease as a way of ensuring that its risks on the human population is minimized. Until such a time that monitoring and control is used to reduce cases of new infections, studies by Asnis (2002) have warned that humans will continue to become victims of the disease. Existing Intervention to address the health topic Throughout literature, there seems to be a consensus on the approach to dealing with the disease. This approach focuses more on prevention rather than treatment, knowing that there is no known specific treatment for the disease as at now. In line with this, a number of existing interventions have been used by different researchers. On his part, Gruszynski (2006) recommends the use of an environmental predictive model for West Nile that makes use of a geographic information system and remote sensing for predict the prevalence of the disease in different geographic locations throughout United States. This idea is supported by Asnis (2002), who pointed out that geographic information systems would help in achieving accurate allocation of interventions to the health problem, which would focus on the use of the environment predictive model.

Earth Sciences homework help