Compute the real rate of return for the following situations assuming that the inflation rate is…

Compute the real rate of return for the following situations assuming that the inflation rate is 2%. compute the real rates of return if the rate of inflation was 6%. use a – to enter negative values, if any. do you know around an immediate calculations. Round your answer to one decimal places.

A) On February 1, you bought 80 shares of stock and the Francisca corporation for $45 a share and a year later you sold it for $48. During the year you receive a cash dividend of $1.40 share.-Real rate of return at 2% _________%-Real Rate of return at 6% _________ %
B) On February 1, you bought 90 shares of stock and the Cara Cotton Company for $40 a share and a year later you sold it for $34. During the year you receive a cash dividend of $2.80 share.-Real rate of return at 2% _________ %-Real Rate of return at 6% _________ %
C) at the beginning of last year, we invested $4800 in 80 shares of the change corporation. during the year, Chang paid it ends at five dollars per share. at the end of the year you sold the 80 shares for $66 a share.- Real rate of return at 2% _________%-Real Rate of return at 6% _________ %