Compose a 250 words assignment on diary of a medical mission. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 250 words assignment on diary of a medical mission. Needs to be plagiarism free! Nursing intervention during disasters There were a number of nursing interventions and primary preventions that would have been administered during the disaster and in future in case of any similar disaster. One of the primary prevention is for the nurses from overseas to receive shots that are appropriate before making their way into Haiti. The same should also be given to the Haitians. This is so critical and necessary because it provides immunity against rare and deadly diseases like hepatitis. Education should also be offered with regard to right sanitation practices and safety. Other personal hygiene like hand washing and clearing water traps that attract mosquitoes. There should also be no crowding at the shelter and patients should be educated on the first signs of deadly diseases so as to contain earlier.

The secondary intervention would include measures such as carrying out thorough screening on people showing signs and symptoms of diseases such as high blood pressure, parasitic infections, Tb and other diseases. This is carried out so as to treat the diseases and contain its outbreak.

Tertiary prevention would include slowing down the pain related to fracture sand other deadly diseases like TB. It would also include preventing these diseases from causing other complications. These involve better surgeries and requesting for new medications. Stroke patient should also be given both occupational and physical therapy.

The interventions measures highlighted above would be carried out as early as the 1st phase, and throughout 5th phase. This is because mitigation preparedness response and recovery map the all three levels and each of them is encountered at every phase. I would like working with local based agencies and cooperation and also incorporate local nurses because they have a better understanding of their people and environment. They can also easily notice symptoms of some diseases in their region.


Loretta M. Garcia. (1985). Disaster nursing: planning, assessment, and intervention. New York:

Aspen Systems Corp.

Diary of medical mission