Choose one listed company and give transactions relating tax liability of a company. Detailed…

Choose one listed company and give transactions relating tax liability of a company. Detailed requirements are:

Requirement 1: Giving general information of the company: name, taxpayer identification number, address, area of operation, products.

Requirement 2: Giving transactions relating to import duty, export duty, excise duty and VAT in a tax period.

Note: – The transactions must be suitable to characteristics of company’s activities.

– Give 04 transactions relating to the company’s selling activities, and must be various (subject to VAT, not subject to VAT, VAT rate of 0%; subject to excise duty, not subject to excise duty).

– Give 04 transactions relating to the company’s purchasing activities and being applied the conditions of deductible input taxes (VAT and excise duty).

– The figures and information must be logical.

Requirement 3: Calculate the amounts of import duty, export duty, excise duty and VAT payable of the company in the tax period relating to the above transactions and indicating the deadlines of tax payment Requirement 4: Listing 5 cases in which the input VAT is not creditable.