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  1. Ethics
    PHI 1600
    Second Written Assignment
    Read chapter 3, watch Week 6 Lecture, and watch the films “Gone Baby Gone” and “Sleepers”. Pick one movie and apply Kant’s moral philosophy to judge the MAIN FINAL action. For “Gone Baby Gone” judge Patrick’s final decision and for “Sleepers” judge the priest’s final decision. Judging any other action in the movie is an automatic zero. 500 words minimum in MLA format. Due on April 11th.
    *You must apply Kant’s 3 premises (course materials) for 50 points and Michael Sandel’s 3 contrasts (Week 6 Lecture “Mind your Motive”) for 50 points.

Golden Rule
Maxim: a rule that one person follows
Formula 1“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will it should become a universal law”
Morality is a conflict for humans
Human autonomy=freedom to pick and choose
Non-autonomous ethics: religion, gov, etc
Distinction bet/ phenomenal world and Noumenal world
You are subject of activity not an object of activity
Act on principle not on emotions
consequences ARE IRRELEVANT
motives/ good intentions
Reason determines what we ought to do
Making yourself an exception: heart of immorality
Formula 2: “Treat human beings and yourself as ends in themselves not as means to an end”

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. (a) I wanted to determine how much water my sprinkler was using, so I set out a bunch of empty cat food cans at various distances from the sprinkler and noted how high the water was in each can after one hour. My sprinkler reaches from 0 feet to 16 feet away from the sprinkler. The data are given in Table 1. The sprinkler distributes water in a circular pattern, so I assumed that points the same distance from the sprinkler received the same amounts of water.Table: the data in Table 1 to estimate how many cubic feet of water my lawn got from my sprinkler in one hour. Although you do not have a formula for the data in Table 1, you have to think about what integral you are trying to approximate (think “shells” and be careful of units). Use a right-endpoint Riemann sum to approximate this integral. Give your answer in decimal form rounded to the nearest cubic foot.

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. Mathematics homework help. Adam accepted an invitation from his friend Dot to attend a baseball game. The seatsDot had purchased were very good, a few rows up from the field, and just past firstbase. Adam had recently immigrated to the United States and knew nothing aboutbaseball.During the game, a player, Brad, hit a ground ball toward third base. The third basemanfielded the ball and threw to the first baseman. Brad thought he was “safe,” but the firstbase umpire called him “out.” Brad began to argue with the umpire, and in frustration,Brad threw his batting helmet to the ground. The helmet, made of a strong, hard plasticmaterial, bounced on the ground and flew into the stands, striking Adam on the side ofthe head, causing a serious injury. Adam never saw the helmet coming towards himbecause he was looking around the stadium at the time rather than at the play on thefield. As he was unfamiliar with the game of baseball, he did not know that objectsoccasionally fly into the stands during a baseball game.What arguments would Adam make in support of a claim of negligence, what defense(s)can reasonably be asserted, and who is likely to prevail in a lawsuit filed by:1. Adam against Brad? Discuss.2. Adam against Dot? Discuss.

Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. (a) I wanted to determine how much water my sprinkler was using, so I set out a bunch of empty cat food cans at various distances from the sprinkler and noted how high the water was in each can after one hour. My sprinkler reaches from 0 feet to 16 feet away from the sprinkler. The data are given in Table 1. The sprinkler distributes water in a circular pattern, so I assumed that points the same distance from the sprinkler received the same amounts of water.Table: the data in Table 1 to estimate how many cubic feet of water my lawn got from my sprinkler in one hour. Although you do not have a formula for the data in Table 1, you have to think about what integral you are trying to approximate (think “shells” and be careful of units). Use a right-endpoint Riemann sum to approximate this integral. Give your answer in decimal form rounded to the nearest cubic foot.

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. Mathematics homework help. Adam accepted an invitation from his friend Dot to attend a baseball game. The seatsDot had purchased were very good, a few rows up from the field, and just past firstbase. Adam had recently immigrated to the United States and knew nothing aboutbaseball.During the game, a player, Brad, hit a ground ball toward third base. The third basemanfielded the ball and threw to the first baseman. Brad thought he was “safe,” but the firstbase umpire called him “out.” Brad began to argue with the umpire, and in frustration,Brad threw his batting helmet to the ground. The helmet, made of a strong, hard plasticmaterial, bounced on the ground and flew into the stands, striking Adam on the side ofthe head, causing a serious injury. Adam never saw the helmet coming towards himbecause he was looking around the stadium at the time rather than at the play on thefield. As he was unfamiliar with the game of baseball, he did not know that objectsoccasionally fly into the stands during a baseball game.What arguments would Adam make in support of a claim of negligence, what defense(s)can reasonably be asserted, and who is likely to prevail in a lawsuit filed by:1. Adam against Brad? Discuss.2. Adam against Dot? Discuss.

Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help. (a) I wanted to determine how much water my sprinkler was using, so I set out a bunch of empty cat food cans at various distances from the sprinkler and noted how high the water was in each can after one hour. My sprinkler reaches from 0 feet to 16 feet away from the sprinkler. The data are given in Table 1. The sprinkler distributes water in a circular pattern, so I assumed that points the same distance from the sprinkler received the same amounts of water.Table: the data in Table 1 to estimate how many cubic feet of water my lawn got from my sprinkler in one hour. Although you do not have a formula for the data in Table 1, you have to think about what integral you are trying to approximate (think “shells” and be careful of units). Use a right-endpoint Riemann sum to approximate this integral. Give your answer in decimal form rounded to the nearest cubic foot.

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. Mathematics homework help. Adam accepted an invitation from his friend Dot to attend a baseball game. The seatsDot had purchased were very good, a few rows up from the field, and just past firstbase. Adam had recently immigrated to the United States and knew nothing aboutbaseball.During the game, a player, Brad, hit a ground ball toward third base. The third basemanfielded the ball and threw to the first baseman. Brad thought he was “safe,” but the firstbase umpire called him “out.” Brad began to argue with the umpire, and in frustration,Brad threw his batting helmet to the ground. The helmet, made of a strong, hard plasticmaterial, bounced on the ground and flew into the stands, striking Adam on the side ofthe head, causing a serious injury. Adam never saw the helmet coming towards himbecause he was looking around the stadium at the time rather than at the play on thefield. As he was unfamiliar with the game of baseball, he did not know that objectsoccasionally fly into the stands during a baseball game.What arguments would Adam make in support of a claim of negligence, what defense(s)can reasonably be asserted, and who is likely to prevail in a lawsuit filed by:1. Adam against Brad? Discuss.2. Adam against Dot? Discuss.

Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help. Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Restoring Toyotas Reputation. It needs to be at least 750 words.Download file to see previous pages… The blow based on reputation was very damaging (Costea 2010). The first thing Toyota should have done is to clarify any point that the consumer needed to know more about the problem that had caused the recalling of cars. Toyota actually did this right as good management would do. They came up with a way to confront the criticism put forward and to respond to any questions and points that needed clarification to the consumer. Their strategy to handle all the inquisitions was through social media using Social Digs, Twitter and Facebook (Toyota 2009). The next step would be to immediately identify where they had gone wrong during the production that affected the quality of the final product. Somewhere along the line of production an error must have occurred to cause the problem that would come to affect the quality and thus damage the reputation of Toyota (Ohnsman and Kitamura 2010). After performing this review and identifying where the production had gone wrong, they should have mended that loophole. The better way of dealing with this was for the management to change the system of reviewing quality in cars. This would build some confidence and form assurance of a proper method of evaluating quality to the consumers who have become distrustful of the current method of checking for quality. If the management changes the evaluation system and makes this public, they will reassure the public of good quality and in turn revive their reputation (Anon, 2010). The Toyota management should also try to make policies that consider the customer’s point of view in their implementation. They should not make cars with the quality that they feel they need to be producing, but they should make cars with the quality standards that their customers need in a car, making the production be all about what the customer needs. There was a lot of speculation on the cause of the acceleration in the Toyota cars. Some of the critics even cited a ridiculous claim such as electric faults in the cars (Kaufman 2010). The management should thus have fit the Toyota cars with an event data recorder that would record all the data a car outputs, and thus the cause of the problem would have been quickly identified, hence avoiding speculation from critics that would be more damaging to the product. The company should also have set up regional technical offices to help evaluate the cars needed to recall. In 2009, they had to recall entire shipments of cars. There was no evaluation on the status of the car regionally, which led to massive recalling. Analysis at a regional level would have reduced the number of cars being taken back to the company greatly by solving some of the technical issues regionally. The Toyota has raised its reputation since the 2009 crisis, and it was rated at number 74 as of 2012 (Davis 2012). Coming up with a new managerial structure that is set to achieve proper marketing of the product will see them get their competitive edge back and rise to the level they were before. One such structure is the organisation of the TNGA planning division that will see the company realise the Toyota Global Vision (Toyota 2013). To sustain Toyota’s competitive advantage, they have come up with a Kaizen approach in lean production. The Kaizen approach involves continual development and implementation of new better changes in its method of production. It brings in team effort and the opinion of each team player is considered and evaluated on the improvement in the production system.

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Drama, Film, and Mass Communication homework help

Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help. Mathematics homework help. Adam accepted an invitation from his friend Dot to attend a baseball game. The seatsDot had purchased were very good, a few rows up from the field, and just past firstbase. Adam had recently immigrated to the United States and knew nothing aboutbaseball.During the game, a player, Brad, hit a ground ball toward third base. The third basemanfielded the ball and threw to the first baseman. Brad thought he was “safe,” but the firstbase umpire called him “out.” Brad began to argue with the umpire, and in frustration,Brad threw his batting helmet to the ground. The helmet, made of a strong, hard plasticmaterial, bounced on the ground and flew into the stands, striking Adam on the side ofthe head, causing a serious injury. Adam never saw the helmet coming towards himbecause he was looking around the stadium at the time rather than at the play on thefield. As he was unfamiliar with the game of baseball, he did not know that objectsoccasionally fly into the stands during a baseball game.What arguments would Adam make in support of a claim of negligence, what defense(s)can reasonably be asserted, and who is likely to prevail in a lawsuit filed by:1. Adam against Brad? Discuss.2. Adam against Dot? Discuss.

Mathematics homework help

Mathematics homework help