
Nursing homework help

What is and/or should be nursing’s role in decision making regarding selecting information systems?
Submission Instructions:

  • Your initial post should be at least 500 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources. Your initial post is worth 8 points.
  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts. Your reply posts are worth 2 points (1 point per response.)
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible.
  • Please post your initial response by 11:59 PM ET Thursday,

Management homework help


· A brief review of the financial performance of your company during the time you and your co-managers have run the company.
This review should consist of charts showing the following:
o Trends in the company’s annual total revenues
o Trends in the company’s annual earnings per share (EPS)
o Trends in the company’s annual return on equity investment (ROE)
o Trends in the company’s annual credit rating
o Trends in the company’s year-end stock price
o Trends in the company’s annual image rating
The Performance Highlights report (accessible through your Decisions / Reports Program menu), includes a charting feature at the bottom of the report page. You can easily create a trend chart for each of the above six performance indicators and save each chart to a local storage device for insertion into a PowerPoint presentation or Word document. Double-click on the chart to download and (depending on the web browser you are using) you will be prompted to save to a PNG file. Once you have named and saved a picture file you can insert the picture into a PowerPoint slide or Word document using the Insert tab at the top of the MS Office program.
If you wish to create additional performance graphs you may do so, but the above six performance measures tell an adequate story about your company’s historical performance.

Nursing homework help

Please read the following scenario and answer the questions for your written assignment.
Ann Smith worked in the Information Services department for Douglasville Hospital. The hospital is a small 75-bed acute care facility in a town of 6,400. Ann’s mother, Janice had multiple health issues, she lives in Douglasville town gossiping and collecting news to share with her young-at-heart group at church.
One day, Ann heard her mother screaming for help, Ann quickly ran to her mother’s aid, finding that her husband had collapsed, fallen down the stairs, and was unconscious. Ann called 911, and the paramedics thought that her husband had suffered a myocardial infarction. Ann followed the ambulance to the hospital, leaving her mother at home. She had completely forgotten that she was still signed into the VPN and EHR system.
While Ann was at the hospital with her husband, her mother wandered into Ann‘s office and noticed that the computer was still logged into the hospital system. Janice opened the record to read it, and as she read through the details of her pastor’s record, she learned that he had lung cancer with brain metastasis.
Janice called one of the friend parishioner. The following day, Mildred’s pastor received a call from a member of the prayer chain, expressing concern about his cancer and asking if there was anything she could do to help. Pastor Martin had no idea how any of his parishioners found out about his condition because he had not shared details with anybody. He called the hospital to find out whether they could track who had accessed his records. A report was run and tracked that Marissa’s log-on was the most recent to access the record.
Ann was still at the hospital and had spent the night in intensive care unit (ICU) at her husband’s bedside. Not only had her husband suffered a massive myocardial infarction, but he also had a traumatic cerebral hemorrhage from falling down the stairs. The doctors had just informed her that the damage was irreversible, and he would be unable to survive without dependence on life support. They had discussed the alternatives, and a decision was made to take him off of the ventilator.
1. What could have been done to prevent the security breach?
2. What are the legal issues addressed in this case?
3. What are the ethical issues addressed in this case?
4. How are the ethical issues in this case covered in the American Health Information Management Association Code of Ethics?

Political Science homework help

General Information: This assignment requires students to evaluate a question that does not have a definitive answer. Specifically, students will write an argument as to how the Supreme Court would rule on the inclusion of the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance if the issue were to be brought before it again.
This is an area that people have strong opinions. Having said this, your personal opinion is NOT important for this assignment. Instead, it is your understanding of the Court’s approach to this area of constitutional interpretation to determine whether they would rule “under God” fails or passes the Lemon Test. Students should carefully study Patterson’s discussion of the Establishment Clause and the following court cases using Oyez prior to beginning the assignment:

  1. Engle v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962)
  2. Abington School District v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203 (1963)
  3. Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38 (1985)
  4. Locke v. Davey, No. 021315 (2004)
  5. Van Orden v. Perry, 545 U.S. 677 (2005)
  6. McCreary County v. American Civil Liberties Union of Ky., 545 U.S. 844 (2005)

How to Write a Critical Evaluation of the Establishment Clause: Critical thinking is the “ability to interpret, analyze, synthesize, or evaluate information, issues, and ideas and apply creative thought to formulate a substantive opinion, solve a problem or reach a conclusion.” In order to evaluate this question from a more critical perspective, i.e. use information appropriately to investigate a point of view or conclusion, students should format their paper in the following manner:
Introduction: this is a paragraph where students should introduce the topic and state their thesis (argument). The thesis should be confined to a single sentence at the end of the introduction. This paragraph should be no more than five sentences long.
Analysis: The body of your essay focuses on the argument stated at the end of your Introduction. If you make the argument that the Supreme Court would find “under God” to be constitutional, then you must explain why this inclusion passes all THREE parts of the Lemon Test and support this argument using three distinct court cases, i.e. this section should have approximately three paragraphs (one per test). If you make the argument that the Supreme Court would find “under God” to be unconstitutional, on the other hand, then you must explain why this inclusion fails at least ONE part of the Lemon Test and support this argument using one court case, i.e. this section will have a minimum of one paragraph.
Revolving your answer around the relevant course material represents the key to your analysis. Your argument must derive from your understanding of the relevant course material, i.e. the Lemon Test and court cases, and should be logical and centered on facts. In other words, students should not only summarize Patterson or court cases, but explain why this particular court case is relevant to the question at hand. This explanation is critical as it demonstrates to readers why this particular case supports your claim. In addition, students should refrain from using outside sources.
Conclusion: The final paragraph is not a time to restate your thesis or the main ideas already discussed in the essay. Instead, a good conclusion emphasizes the significance of your analysis and nicely ‘wraps up’ the argument of your paper. Conclusions should be approximately four or five sentences in length.
One final note, students are encouraged to reference the rubric attached to this assignment for a more detailed grading breakdown for the assignment.
Turning in the Assignment: After completing the assignment, upload a DOC, DOCX, or PDF file to Brightspace no later than April 11 at 11:59 PM. Email or Google Doc submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances. If you have questions about how to upload a file please take a look at How to Submit a Written Assignment in Blackboard.

English homework help

The goal of these assignments is to address the Critical Thinking and Reading student learning outcomes for this course (see syllabus).  You will be analyzing a text’s content and rhetorical strategy.  As you will see in the rubric (found in the Course Resources section), the primary goal here is to debate the issues using a formal, academic approach that utilizes examples from the text, as well as your own knowledge and experience.  Your peer responses should drive the conversation, asking questions of the original author or presenting points that will further his or her thinking on the subject, rather than simply agreeing or disagreeing.
Please remember that the rubric is a qualitative evaluation of the discussion forum.

  1. What does Amy Tan’s mother mean when she says that your only shame is to have shame?
  2. Tan is very nervous about the encounter between her family and Robert’s. What do you really think she’s afraid of?
  3. Describe the Tan family’s meal from Robert’s point of view. What does he see? How do the scene and the food look to him?

Social Science homework help

Cultures, regardless of where they are or how long ago they existed, share a few common characteristics. Among these characteristics is a structure to care for their children and to socialize them in the culture. Children are taught, both directly and indirectly, the values of the culture, their role in the culture, and the expectations the culture has for them. Children absorb the rules, dynamics, and values, which they will later pass these on to subsequent generations.
As a social worker, you will deal with families from different cultural backgrounds. Understanding the cultural background of the families you work with will help you to effectively intervene and advocate for policies that support their needs. How prepared are you to identify and advocate for social policies that are just and support families from all cultures?
For this Discussion, review this week’s resources, including the Hernandez Family video case. Consider how cultural considerations might affect child welfare policy. Then, think about what your responsibilities, as a social worker, might be in supporting the Hernandez family in addressing their child welfare needs through the accessibility of services.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of how cultural considerations might affect child welfare policy. Then, explain what your responsibilities, as a social worker, might be in supporting the Hernandez family in addressing their child welfare needs through the accessibility of services.

Psychology homework help

Watch any ½ hour television program meant for young children. Make a note of the television rating given to the program [where will they see this?]. As you watch, keep a tally of 1) aggressive acts by any character (including both physical and relational aggression) and 2) prosocial acts, and the results of each. Share your findings, including the following:

  • In your view, does the content of the show match the rating given?
  • What was the proportion of aggressive to prosocial acts?
  • How do you think viewing the aggression in this show affects children?

English homework help

1) Click on the BLUE sentence above “Activity #5 Exercise & Movement Video Folder”. View as many videos as you would like from the Exercise Movement video library.
2) Choose 3 Exercises as specified below:

  • Choose one exercise from Section A: Corrective & Restorative Exercises, and
  • Choose two exercises of your choice from any exercise options in Sections (A, B, C or D)  that you think you would realistically continue to practice. Be sure to scroll down as there are between 4-17 exercises per category.

3) Three (3) paragraphs/one paragraph for each exercise: Write and submit a minimum of three paragraphs using at least 150-200 words for EACH paragraph as a Word Document (not in pages). Describe your exercise choices and why they are a good fit for your body, workout schedule, personal fitness goals, and/or lifestyle.

Law homework help

Research Paper on the company Uber. The topics for the paper are; (1) International business law:  Discuss how business laws differ in other countries and how that impacts your business, (2) Criminal Law:  Civil asset forfeiture, (3) negligence.

  • Content includes your ideas as well as your research.  Clear thesis statement. (This is not a book report).
  • Organization includes external transitions (section to section) and internal transitions (paragraph to paragraph and sentence to sentence).
  • Readability means how well the paper flows. Avoid wordiness and the passive voice. Don’t start your sentences with “it is” or “there are.”
  • Grammatical correctness includes spelling and other grammar errors including subject-verb agreement.
  • This paper must be 2000 words at a minimum.  Be sure you are meeting the word count.

 The body of your paper must be a minimum of 4 full pages of text.  This does NOT include a title page, abstract, body and reference page in APA style.
· Do not plagiarize (copying or using the work of others without giving them credit). Use parenthetical references (APA style) within your paper to document all quotations, minor details (for example, statistics), and opinions that are not yours. However, do not document your own opinions. In the past, several students have copied their entire papers from the Internet. These students received a 0 on the assignment and were reported to the administration.