
English homework help

Option #1: Analysis of an Individual Comic Strip or Political Cartoon

Choose one comic strip or political cartoon. If you visit the website of a newspaper such as The Baltimore Sun, The New York Times, The Washington Post, etc., you should be able to search for comic strips or political cartoons easily.
Which techniques does the creator of the comic strip use? How does the creator make his/her point in the comic strip? What do we learn about the characters and/or ourselves from this comic strip or political cartoon? If colors are available, what do they tell us about this comic or cartoon? What language is used and how can that be interpreted?
And importantly, which of the key terms from the topic lesson can you discuss in your analysis? For example, how of elements of imagery, symbolism, metaphor, and/or irony help reveal the cartoon’s message?
As with all academic essays you write in this course, this essay should have a well-defined introduction with a thesis statement, body, and conclusion.
In essence, what are some of the physical elements present in the cartoon1 – characters, text, colors, etc., along with figurative elements such as metaphor and symbolism, that help to explain the cartoon’s message? It can be helpful to focus on a single element in the cartoon in its own body paragraph (including the element in the topic sentence and in the thesis) and describe how it portrays the cartoon’s message before moving to the next cartoon feature in a new paragraph.
Sample Thesis Statement: “John Smith uses (add one element from the cartoon), (add a second element from the cartoon), and (add a third element from the cartoon) to show (add the cartoon’s message).”

The guidelines for this assignment are as follows:

Length: The assignment should be at least 500 words.
Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information:

  • Your first and last name
  • Course Title (Composition II)
  • Assignment name (i.e., Cartoon Analysis)
  • Current Date


  • MLA-style source documentation and Works Cited2
  • Your last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page
  • Double-spacing throughout
  • Standard font (Times New Roman, Calibri)
  • Title, centered after heading
  • 1″ margins on all sides
  • Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt

Underline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

Management homework help

What is your opinion of the article for each? Please use one more reference along with the article.
Two different case studies.
Case 1: Ready, set, go (Attachment 1) case is for class MBA Information Systems
Case 2: The Rise of “Clean Meat” (Attachment 2) Chapter 2  case is for MBA Management of Innovation
APA Format. No more than 2 pages maximum for each paper. Times Roman font size 12

Economics homework help

Discussion 1 – Week he 9/11 Commission’s Findings and Recommendations
The 9/11 Commission was created to investigate the circumstances surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In addition, the Commission was responsible for evaluating the nation’s preparedness and the response to the attacks. Therefore, Commission members spent considerable time and effort studying and researching the many facets of these attacks. They interviewed more than a thousand people involved in counter terrorism efforts. Some of these people worked for the FBI and the CIA.
The final report from the 9/11 Commission cited failures by the FBI and the CIA as the main reasons the attacks were not prevented. Causes of failure included minimal communication and collaboration between these agencies, lack of international jurisdiction of the FBI, and a law enforcement mindset toward terrorism. Based on these causes, the 9/11 Commission provided a detailed list of recommendations for national security reform, some of which have been implemented and some of which have not.
To prepare for this Discussion: (Please See Attachments for readings)

  • Review the online article Final Report on 9/11 Commission Recommendations and Chapters 12 and 13 in the online article The 9/11 Commission Report. Focus on the recommendations that you think have the most impact on National Security.
  • Review the online article Department of Homeland Security: Progress in Implementing 9/11 Commission Recommendations. Reflect on to what extent the recommendations have been implemented.
  • Select what you think is the most significant and the least significant recommendation made by the 9/11 Commission. Note: Be sure to select recommendations that have been implemented.
  • Reflect on to what extent the recommendations you selected were implemented.

With these thoughts in mind:
Post by Day 3 a brief description of one recommendation you think will have the most impact and one you think will have the least impact on National Security and explain why. Then explain to what extent these recommendations were implemented. Be specific.

Marketing homework help

Please address the following:

  • Go to The World Factbook and review the countries listed. Select one country on which to base your discussion posts and written assignments throughout the course. The country you choose should have special meaning for you and/or be one that you are interested in learning more about.
    • Once you choose a country, you will not be able to change it, so give it some careful consideration. Only one student per country!
  • Explain why you chose this particular country. Why is it important to you (e.g., nationality, origin, and travel experience)? Paraphrasing the CIA World Factbook or other reference, describe your country by giving a brief background of its location, a demographic profile that includes population and age structure, and a brief economic overview from 2013 to today.

Criminal homework help

Chapter 14: Discussion

Search the Internet for a recent example of a crime against the environment in the U.S. (Include the link.)

  1. What impact did incident crime have on the community/people? (Be specific.)
  2. Should the individuals involved in the incident be criminally prosecuted?  Why or why not?
  3. If you answered yes, which individuals would you charge?
  4. What would be an appropriate punishment? Why?

Make sure to:

  • Write a short essay or paragraph of at least 300 words.
  • Use concrete examples/details and avoid generalities.
  • Address all questions.
  • Use proper grammar and punctuation.
  • If you researched your topic and are using information from what you learned, remember to cite your sources.
  • Do not plagiarize.
  • You will not be able to edit your assignment once you post, so please proofread and spell check before hitting post!
  • As part of the assignment, you must also reply to ONE of your classmates with at least 150 words. You will have to POST FIRST to  see your classmates’ postings. Make sure your replies are a thoughtful  and relevant to what your classmate has posted. Try to build the  discussion and keep it going.
  • YOU must post your word count at the end of your discussion and the word count at the end of your reply.  Your references cannot be included in your word count.

Nursing homework help

Healthy aging is an important public health issue, both nationally and internationally. The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes healthy aging as a process whereby all people of all ages are able to live a healthy, safe and socially inclusive lifestyle.
Discuss how social determinants of health for the older adult are impacted for those living in poverty.
Post your discussion to the Moodle Discussion Forum.  Word limit 500 words.  Support your answers with the literature and provide citations and references in APA format.  Reply to at least two other student posts with a reflection of their response.

Nursing homework help

Develop an essay including the following.
Your Thoughts.
In your introduction, using your critical thinking skills, analyze the Covid situation.
In the section called ‘Your Thoughts,’ explain:
-The history of the virus in our country (United States).
-What caused the situation. Be specific.
– Explain our country’s response. Be specific.
– What is unethical about ‘jumping the line.’ What is unethical about inequitable distribution of vaccine.
– How have different points of view included factual reports, inductive inferences, and evaluative judgements. Define these terms.
Use headers for each part.

Management homework help

Managing performance- apa- 6 pages-
Personal Development Plan (115 points)
Employee development is critical to an organization’s and an individual’s success.
Throughout Chapter 8, we have reviewed information about personal development
plans. We all have goals and objectives that we hope to accomplish, which will allow us
to grow and develop. It is important that we create personal development plans to
ensure that we are working towards achieving the goals set forth.
For this assignment, you are required to create your own development plan, which
involves a short-term plan (spanning 1-2 years) and a long-term plan (spanning 3-5
years). In both your short-term plan and long-term plan, provide two development
objectives, details regarding how these objectives will be acquired, the timeframe
associated with skill/competency acquisition, and the type of support that you need from
a professional and personal standpoint. Consider, when developing these objectives,
utilizing SMART goals.
In total, your plan should incorporate four development objectives and associated
details (e.g., two for the short-term plan and two for the long-term plan). Remember that
the goals identified are your own. There is no right answer to the goals and objectives
that you have created. Therefore, be creative in this assignment submission, while
ensuring that you utilize the recommendations set forth in Chapter 8.
For more information about SMART goals, which can help you when determining your
goals for this assignment, please utilize this resource:
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
 Be 6-8 pages in length. With the exception of a title page, no citations or references are required
for this assignment. This should be an honest assessment of your personal and professional
needs. This assignment can be written in paragraph form or it can be submitted in a bulleted
format with expanded comments.

Education homework help

“Health status and related health behaviors are determined by influences at multiple levels: personal, organizational/institutional, environmental, and policy. Educational and community-based programs are most likely to succeed in improving health and wellness when they address influences at all levels and in a variety of environments/settings…”
Discuss Why Are Educational and Community-Based Programs Important in encouraging and enhance the community’s health and wellness?
Provide references in APA format.
limit words 600 word