
American history homework help

Throughout the 1950s African Americans in northern cities grew increasingly active in opposing discrimination and in protesting white resistance to black progress in housing, education, and employment. Martin Luther King and others embarked on a campaign of nonviolent resistance and demonstrations, which spread to the south. Some of the leadership in the Deep South responded with brutal force, taking a militant stand against change, and in defiance of federal legislation to grant African Americans their civil rights.
Responses Coming from the Civil Rights Movement | American Experience | Official Site | PBS

QUESTION:  Identify and list some of the factors that contributed to the success of the Civil Rights movement. Choose one, and discuss its significance to the movement, and explain why you made this particular choice. (respond in two paragraphs)

Computer Science homework help

 This week we discuss association analysis and the advanced concepts (in Chapter six).  After reviewing the material answer the following questions:

  1. What are the techniques in handling categorical attributes?
  2. How do continuous attributes differ from categorical attributes?
  3. What is a concept hierarchy?
  4. Note the major patterns of data and how they work.


  1. ch. 6 & 7 in textbook: Association Analysis: Advanced Concepts and Cluster Analysis: Basic Concepts and Algorithms
  2. Križanić, S. (2020). Educational data mining using cluster analysis and decision tree technique: A case study. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 12, 184797902090867–.

>English homework help

 Week 4 – Researched Argumentative Essay – Final SubmissionIt is time to complete your final assignment for this course. Demonstrate your mastery over academic research, argumentative writing, appropriate grammar and style, and your understanding of rhetorical modes as you complete this final assignment.Final Paper Weight: 20%
Due Date: Sunday of Week 4Consider using the  Keiser OWL . Submit your paper to the OWL by Wednesday. You may also use your local campus Writing Studio.DIRECTIONSNow that you have created a thorough outline, you should continue to expand the outline into an essay format using proper APA style. Additionally, you will need to show competency in constructing a research-based argumentative piece of writing.  To meet that goal, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Demonstrate critical thinking and critical analysis skills, including your use of a research based argumentation
  • Write between 1,000 – 1,200 words
    • Papers that do not meet at least 1,000 words are subject to a pro-rated penalty. (i.e. submitting 800 words would result in a 20% loss of grade as 20% of the paper’s word requirements were not met)
    • No abstract is needed for your paper. However, an APA formatted cover page and reference list is required.
  • Effectively organize your essay. Write a clear introduction, thesis statement, multiple body paragraphs supporting the thesis statement, a paragraph that develops a counterpoint, and a clear conclusion.
  • Use at least four sources.
    • Using a source means quoting, paraphrasing, and/or summarizing it, including a citation each time it is being used.
    • Reference each source you use in your reference list.
    • You should use the following sources:
      • Three peer-reviewed academic journal sources from Keiser’s e-Library
      • At least one additional credible source, which may include the e-Library, or another reputable location
      • Additional sources are optional.
      • Contact your instructor if you are unsure as to whether a source will count towards the requirements.
    • If fewer than four sources are used, 10% may be deducted from your grade for each missing source (i.e. using only two sources would result in a 20% loss of grade)
  • No block quotes should be included. Use integrated quotes only.
  • Use 3rd person objective point of view only. Avoid 1st and 2nd person points of view.
  • Use academic language and proper grammar and mechanics. Consider using the Online Writing Lab or your local campus Writing Studio prior to submitting this paper.


  • You should use 7th edition APA (No abstract is needed for APA 7 student papers).
  • You should not use more than 20% of outside material. To check how much you are using, see the OWL’s sample paper submission.
  • You should not sue visuals (i.e. images, charts, graphs, etc.). Use written material only.
  • Your paper is due by Sunday of Week 4 at 11:59 PM. Papers submitted after 11:59 PM on Sunday of Week 4 will not be graded without prior approval by the instructor.
  • Only one submission is allowed. Contact your instructor if you have a problem.
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Mathematics homework help

Apply elementary mathematical concepts and quantitative methods in business decision making under certainty.
For the applied assignment, please submit a 5-6 slide PPT (NOT including title page and references page) that includes the following parts:
PART 1: Create a context: Introduce a real-world business situation or an imagined business scenario that may benefit from the “math” presented in the prior two weeks (Weeks 1 and 2 – see the objective stated in bold above). While creating the context, ask yourself: What business use cases may benefit from the quantitative methods offered last week and this week? Pick one. You can use Google or other search tools, or your own workplace experience, to create the context. Once you decide on the context, describe it clearly in your PPT presentation. Be sure to deliver all relevant information for the audience (in this case your instructor) to help him/her understand the context fully.
Part 2: Show with examples how the “math” or quantitative methodology introduced in the prior two weeks relate to the business use case you introduced. (e.g., does the math/methodology help to resolve a business problem?) Be specific in your description of how you can use the quantitative information in connection with the business case (your context) you described. Give examples. Use technical terminology when necessary.
Part 3: Reflect on your learning by answering these questions: What changes have you observed  in your own learning or knowledge of math/quantitative methods as a result of the topics introduced in Weeks 1 and 2 of this course? What  did you find most valuable or useful for your MBA education and/or your current/future career. (As you articulate your thoughts for Part 3, be original: Do not repeat the business context or situation you described in Parts 1 and 2. Think beyond that context).
See the attached example!!!!!
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Applied Sciences homework help

This week’s journal articles focus on empowering leadership and effective collaboration in geographically dispersed teams, please answer the following questions:

  1. How do geographically dispersed teams collaborate effectively?
  2. Please find at least three tools on the market that teams can use to collaborate on a geographically dispersed team.  Please note the pros and cons of each tool.
  3. Based on the research above, note which tool you would select if you were managing the geographically dispersed team and why.

Be sure to use the UC Library for scholarly research. Google Scholar is also a great source for research.  Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.The paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
  • APA guidelines must be followed. The organization of this paper must include: a title page; an introduction; headings for each section (for this paper those sections should be Team Collaboration, Tools, Selected Tool); a conclusion; and a reference page.
  • A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise.  Headings should be used to transition thoughts.  Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

Government homework help

APA ver 7 white paper on technology (AI) in war.
Write a White Paper which includes:

  1. Introduction/Summary
  2. History/Background and Context
  3. Problem (Defined)
  4. Discussion to relate point of view from sources used
  5. Writer takes a position
  6. Solution/s
  7. Conclusion

Your individual paper will be 2-3 pages in length(not counting the Title and Reference Pages) using APA 7th Edition Format.  Ensure you review the rubric grading criteria in depth to gain an understanding on how your paper will be graded.
need the assertion thesis and outline by Sunday.
Rough draft by Wednesday 7 April and final paper by 10th

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Computer Science homework help

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:
Write programs by applying concepts and principles of object-oriented programming
You work for Global Rain, a software engineering company that specializes in custom software design and development. As a junior software developer, you are part of a software development team that collaborates to create solutions for entrepreneurs, businesses, and government agencies around the world.
As part of a development team at Global Rain, you will be designing and developing custom software for a local pet boarding and grooming business, Pet Boarding and Grooming (Pet BAG). Pet BAG is seeking a way to modernize its operations by introducing custom software that will help replace inefficient paper-based processes. Your Global Rain team will collaborate to develop an app that will have the following initial functional areas: pet check in and pet check out.
As part of this team, you have been tasked with completing some preliminary work that consists of writing a Java class, writing pseudocode, and creating a flowchart. You will provide these deliverables to your supervisor.
Your supervisor has given you a specification document which details Pet BAG’s software needs and includes a UML Class diagram. Using these documents, you will create both a Java class and a summary report. Your summary report will include pseudocode and a flowchart for one method (pet check in or pet check out), and an explanation of how your work meets object-oriented principles. Class File
Before you begin, it is important to understand what your client needs the software to do, and what work has already been done by your team. Review the Pet BAG Specification Document, located in the Supporting Materials section, which includes a UML Class diagram. Pay close attention to the class hierarchy, attributes, and behaviors.
To begin, open the Virtual Lab by clicking on the link in the Virtual Lab Access module. Then open your integrated development environment (IDE) and create the Pet class based on the specifications in the UML Class diagram. The Pet class must include the following:
All attributes with appropriate data structures. Note that the types are not specified in this UML class diagram. You will need to think about what the most appropriate data type is for each attribute.
At least one constructor method. You may use a default constructor. To score “exemplary” on this criterion, your constructor must initialize values for the petType, petName, petAge, and daysStay attributes.
Accessors and mutators for all attributes
Note: You are only being asked to create one class. Though the UML diagram shows the Pet class as part of a larger application, for this project, you are not required to connect it to other classes or to try and run it as a program. Instead, you are practicing the skill of creating a class from a UML Class diagram.
Global Rain Summary Report
When you are done implementing the Pet class, refer back to the Pet BAG Specification Document and select either the pet check in or check out method. These methods are detailed in the Functionality section of the specification document.
Open the summary report template, located in the What to Submit section. In the template, write pseudocode that lays out a plan for the method you chose. Ensure that you organize each step in a logical manner and that your method meets the specifications in the document for either the check in or check out process. Your pseudocode must not exceed one page.
Note: Remember, you will not be creating the actual code for the method, and you do not have to write pseudocode for both methods.
Based on the pseudocode you wrote, create a flowchart using a tool of your choice for the method you selected. Your flowchart will help your team communicate how you are planning to develop the software for your client. Your flowchart must be confined to one page. In your flowchart, be sure to do the following:
Include start and end points.
Include appropriate decision branching.
Align the flowchart to the check in or check out process.
Note: You may draw your flowchart by hand and take a clear picture of it, or you may use a flowcharting tool. Refer to the Supporting Materials section to help you insert your flowchart into your summary report.
Based on your software design and development experience, your supervisor has asked you to articulate your programming approach. This will help ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency among all developers working on this app. Specifically, you have been asked to briefly explain how you applied object-oriented programming principles and concepts (such as encapsulation, inheritance, and so on) in your software development work thus far. Your explanation should be one paragraph, or four to six sentences.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following: Class File
As part of your tasks for the software development team, create the Pet class in your integrated development environment (IDE). To submit this deliverable, save the Pet class file as Use the Downloading Files From Eclipse Tutorial if you need help with this task.
Global Rain Summary Report
As a junior software developer, you will use the Global Rain Summary Report Template to complete the report. Your report must contain your pseudocode, flowchart, and explanation of the object-oriented programming principles you applied.
Supporting Materials
The following resource(s) may help support your work on the project:
Reading: Pet BAG Specification Document
Review this specification document provided by your supervisor to understand Pet BAG’s software requirements. You will use the UML Class diagram portion to implement the Pet class. You will use the requirements in the Functionality section to create your flowchart and write your pseudocode.

Operations Management homework help

                                       Week 3: Building Trust
Dwight thinks that new managers must know how to create and maintain trust with their employees. He views communication as a major component of establishing trusting relationships. Dwight has set up two real situations that he wants his new hires to evaluate and comment upon in a short three-minute video presentation to the group.  
Skill #2: Build trust in individual relationships both locally and at a distance.
In the recent meeting with the new managers, Dwight wanted to emphasize the importance of communication in leading. Dwight reported a recent occurrence in the production department just the other day. Sally Hill was sitting alone at the lunch table when Dwight passed by. Saying hello and getting an unusually quiet reply Dwight stopped to ask if things were alright. Sally said fine but did not look fine. He wondered if something was wrong. Sally, who runs the conveyor belts on the production line, has been on the job since EC began and is very good at her job.
Dwight was right. Things were not good for her on the production line. She was sitting at the lunch counter rather than go back to the floor and her job. It seems that Sally’s new floor supervisor has decided to implement a production efficiency study so that he could measure her efficiency of motion. At first, Sally took Jessie at his word that the study was to see if she could improve her time and therefore get more work completed faster. It wasn’t until she overheard him telling someone else that he was thinking of getting a robot to do her job that she lost faith in him and the company. Shouldn’t they be telling her about this possible change? Is it fair to just announce the change one day and her being out of a job the next? Jessie just lied to her. Not sure of what she heard. Sally consulted some of the other production workers who performed different jobs. That said, there had been rumors. but they knew Dwight and Ike would never do something that drastic without consulting with them.  Sally just wasn’t sure. Worse yet, Jessie made her write down all the data for the study and questioned her if she left some numbers blank. She lost track often and her work began to suffer. Jessie began to come down hard on her and finally put her on probation. When this happened, she finally confided in others only to find that several felt they were not trusted by Jessie. That he seemed to question what they were doing. Only a week after Dwight began to investigate Sally’s unhappiness did things come to a head in the department. Jessie had a team meeting to address the reasons why production rates had dropped. He talked for a half-hour. He asked for people’s opinions and no one would reply. One person asked permission to speak but asked only if the study would take much longer. Finally, Jessie dismissed the team. Jessie did not understand that when he first arrived everyone was happy and helpful. Had he not always been straight with them?  Why was everyone so unhappy now? Jessie finally saw that he had a problem but was not quite sure what it was.
Dwight approached Jessie a few days after the meeting and asked him if the rumors he heard about using robots to replace some of the production workers were true. The nickel dropped, Jessie finally knew what was wrong. Do You?Skill #3: Building trust in team relationships both locally and at a distance.
In week one Dwight and Ike explained that EC had expanded into the Asian Market. They are concerned that the distributors could function better if they had better teamwork with the groups in Japan and Korea. The current EC teams report that the Asian teams seem quiet when they meet and are not as quick to respond to the new plans. Personal interaction (chit chat) is at a minimum and seems to be one-sided. The EC teams are getting stressed out because they are always taking calls either late at night or early in the morning to catch the Japanese/South Korean working hours.   Overall, they just feel that they are being tested and are coming up wanting.
Creating Trust in a virtual team, especially those with members from abroad, is particularly hard. How can you help the EC team be successful? Show Dwight how you would set up a new international team and how you might help the existing teams.

  • Scenario one should seek to comment on the following points: Identify and explain the trust issues that Jessie has with his direct report. How did he create this problem? What can he do to correct the issue?
  • Scenario two should explain to Dwight how to set up a successful team, establish trust in a culturally diverse environment. It should also include ways now to bolster the trust in the existing teams. Explain the influence of cultural IQ in virtual meetings and how and why it can cloud success. In the discussion of the Asian teams, research the cultural differences in creating trust relationships between Americans and the Japanese and South Koreans.
  • Explain specifically how this relates to the experience of the EC team members. Identifying and describing the steps that should be taken by team members to make the virtual experience work. This template should be something that all teams can follow in the future. Be sure to include a step for cultural diversity if these virtual meetings are cross-cultural. Explain why and how these steps will create trust in the relationship.
  • Both scenarios should include a detailed discussion of the communications issues present and how best to address them for better relationships in the future.
  • You must use course material to support your responses and APA in-text citations with a reference list.

Please use the required reading material to support short answers.

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Applied Sciences homework help

This is to be a 3 page word document in APA format addressing all info requested below.
As a probation officer, you have been asked by the principle of the local high school to present information during the weekly assembly on chemical addiction and treatment options.
Explain the effects of substance addiction on adolescents and young adults. For example, what are the behaviors like? What is the thought process? What physical changes occur? Do the addicts develop new friends and lose old ones? Is their employment negatively impacted?

  • Provide an overview of the effects of substance abuse on adolescents from the following perspectives:
    • Behaviorally
    • Psychologically
    • Physically
    • Socially
  • Explain the importance of treatment, and detail the different types of treatment options available for substance addiction.
  • Explain the benefits of inpatient treatment and a 12-step program.