
Accounting homework help

The CEO of  Pride Company asked you to explain to him if it is really true that the discount rate is inversely related to the present value of the future cash flow. Explain your answer and provide some examples that the CEO can understand (300 words).

Business & Finance homework help

Health insurance fraud is a problem globally, and Saudi Arabia is not immune. Assume you have been tasked with presenting this problem to your company so employees can act appropriately when processing health insurance claims. Be sure to address:

  • Actions that would be      considered fraudulent;
  • Key indicators that fraud is      present;
  • The impact of fraud on the      medical community, health insurance companies, and Saudi Arabia; and
  • How to report health      insurance fraud and penalties for those that participate in such behavior.

Your presentation should meet the following structural requirements:

  • Be organized, using      professional themes and transitions.
  • Consist of seven slides,      plus the title and reference slides.
  • Each slide must provide      detailed speakers notes—a minimum of 100 words. Notes must draw from and      cite relevant reference materials.
  • Provide support for your      statements with in-text citations from a minimum of four scholarly      articles. Two of these sources may be from the class readings, textbook,      or lectures, but the others must be external. The Saudi Digital Library is      a good place to find these references.
  • Follow APA and Saudi      Electronic University writing standards.

Sociology homework help

  1. Describe family violence from the bioecological model perspective. Describe various evidence-based strategies that help to minimize the impact of dysfunction on families. Provide examples.


  1. Compare and contrast elder abuse and child abuse. What did you discover about elder abuse and child abuse that you were not aware of?

Access the “Brochure Templates” page on the Microsoft website.
Read Chapter 11 in Marriages & Families in the 21st Century.
Read “Child Abuse in the United States” by Malousek et al. from Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedias in Social Science (2016).
Read “Shedding Light on Elder Abuse” by Bouras from Eureka Street, (2016).
Read “Changing the Domestic Violence Narrative: Aligning Definitions and Standards” by Barocas et al. from Journal of Family Violence (2016).
Read “Intimate Partner Violence: A Psychological Diagnosis of Social Pathology” by Stein from Journal of Psychohistory (2013).

Computer Science homework help

Write a minimum 1,000-word risk assessment/ethical hacking plan for an organization. Include things that you consider important. For example, you can include the phases used in hacking, the steps you would take, and how often you would perform the different activities. These are just suggestions. Include what you think is important as long as it conforms to the rubric.
You can include a list or two, but for the most part, try to avoid lists and keep it in narrative format. Make sure your work is original. You can use the Internet for ideas, but be sure to use your own words. Do not copy and paste materials others have written or that you find in references. Be sure to cite your resources using APA formatting.

Nursing homework help

Turnitin Assignment Content

  1. Ethics
    PHI 1600
    Second Written Assignment
    Read chapter 3, watch Week 6 Lecture, and watch the films “Gone Baby Gone” and “Sleepers”. Pick one movie and apply Kant’s moral philosophy to judge the MAIN FINAL action. For “Gone Baby Gone” judge Patrick’s final decision and for “Sleepers” judge the priest’s final decision. Judging any other action in the movie is an automatic zero. 500 words minimum in MLA format. Due on April 11th.
    *You must apply Kant’s 3 premises (course materials) for 50 points and Michael Sandel’s 3 contrasts (Week 6 Lecture “Mind your Motive”) for 50 points.

Golden Rule
Maxim: a rule that one person follows
Formula 1“Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will it should become a universal law”
Morality is a conflict for humans
Human autonomy=freedom to pick and choose
Non-autonomous ethics: religion, gov, etc
Distinction bet/ phenomenal world and Noumenal world
You are subject of activity not an object of activity
Act on principle not on emotions
consequences ARE IRRELEVANT
motives/ good intentions
Reason determines what we ought to do
Making yourself an exception: heart of immorality
Formula 2: “Treat human beings and yourself as ends in themselves not as means to an end”

Article writing homework help

Using a Web browser, search on a few of the port numbers known to be used by hacker programs, such as Sub-7, Midnight Commander, and WinCrash. What significant information did you find in your search? Why should the information security manager be concerned about these hacker programs? What can he or she do to protect against them?

Computer Science homework help

Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Answer the following questions:

  • What facilitated your learning in this course?
  • What impeded your learning in this course?
  • What could you have done to better to improve your learning?
  • If you were to take this course again, would you do anything differently? What and why?
  • Where are you now in your understanding of the course concepts versus where you were at the beginning of the course?
  • Did you learn the things that you thought you would learn?
  • Did you learn something that you did not think you could or would learn? What? How did you feel once you learned it?
  • What aspect of the course did you find most interesting?
  • What do you think you can apply most to your other courses?

Psychology homework help

  • Purpose: The purpose of your vision is to create an inspirational and realistic description for how you want to contribute to your specialized field of psychology based on your passions and interests.
  • Primary Audience: Because this is a personal vision statement for your future career, you are your primary audience. Envision yourself in a time where you are frustrated and want to throw in the towel. What would help you remember your purpose and inspire you to continue moving forward towards your vision?
  • Secondary Audience: Your vision should also be clear to other people (such as family, friends, and your instructor) so you can share it with them and receive support in achieving it.
  • References: Reference any supporting documents you used to create your vision.
  • Assignment Requirements: Be sure to comply with the requirements stated below.

Your writing in this assignment should not just be a collection of notes, lists, or questions and answers. Instead, it should be a well-organized discussion that flows logically from one idea to the next.


Complete the following in your assignment template:

  • Role as a Practitioner-Scholar: Draw from your previous study of the practitioner-scholar model to answer the following:
    • In your own words, explain McClintock’s scholar-practitioner model.
    • Reference Capella’s Learning Model Quick Reference and Examples to compare the differences between the levels of practitioner-scholar and scholar-practitioner.
    • What will it mean to you to be a practitioner-scholar? Explain how the practitioner-scholar model can help guide you in developing the knowledge and skills that you will need to reach your professional vision and goals.
    • Be sure to cite your sources.
  • Vision: In response to feedback you have received and the evolution of your ideas since you began, and in light of what you have learned about the practitioner-scholar model, revise and refine the vision statement that you developed in the previous two units so it is as personally meaningful as possible. This statement should articulate how your passions and interests connect to a specialization in psychology. Note: It may be useful to update your Articulating Your Purpose activity to help support these revisions.
  • Goals: Review the long-term educational, career, and life goals that you identified as relevant to achieving your vision. In response to feedback you have received and the evolution of your ideas since your earlier drafts, revise, expand, refine, and consolidate your goals as needed.
    • Identify significant milestones for each goal. Be sure that your goals and milestones are:
      • Specific.
      • Measurable.
      • Achievable.
      • Relevant.
      • Time-bound.
    • Discuss the reasons for each goal and milestone.

After completing a draft of the previously outlined sections of your paper, draft these sections in the assignment template:

  • Title page in APA format.
  • Abstract: A concise summary of every main point in the paper.
  • Introduction: A concise overview of the paper’s content.
  • Conclusion: A concise summary of important points of the paper, explaining the benefits of achieving your future career vision and becoming a practitioner scholar in the field of psychology and the importance and relevance of your vision and goals to your personal and professional aspirations.
  • References in APA format.

For more information, see the Your Vision as a Psychology Practitioner-Scholar Template in the resources.
Example assignment: You may use the assignment example, linked in the Resources, to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Additional Requirements

Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

  • Template: Use the Your Vision as a Psychology Practitioner-Scholar Template to format your assignment.
  • Length: 3–4 typed and double-spaced content pages in Times New Roman 12-point font. The title page, abstract, and reference list are not included in this length.
  • References: Include a minimum of three references from scholarly literature. All references need to be cited in-text, according to current APA standards. Remember that citations are to support your thoughts, not take the place of them!
  • Written communication: Must be clear, with correct spelling, grammar, and syntax and with good organization.
  • Writing style: APA expectations for scholarly writing include the use of third-person narrative, unless it is awkward to do so. However, because you are talking about yourself in this paper, you may write in the first person.
  • APA formatting: Must be formatted according to APA style and formatting and include a title page, abstract, and reference list. Note that these three elements are not counted toward the length of your assignment.

English homework help

 In the first paragraph, reflect on your writing process by answering these questions:

  • How did you pick your topic?
  • How did you narrow or expand your ideas for your topic?
  • How did you decide which details to include?
  • What do you like best about your essay?

In the second paragraph, reflect on your revising process by answering these questions:

  • What are you still dissatisfied with in your essay? What do you wish you could do better?
  • Why are you dissatisfied with this aspect?
  • What specific suggestions did the tutor provide for the revision of your essay?
  • How will you implement the tutor’s suggestions?

When completed, please submit your work using this assignment link.