Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses salman rushdie’s at the auction of the ruby slippers.

Create a 6 pages page paper that discusses salman rushdie’s at the auction of the ruby slippers. In the field of fashion management, the application of acquired, natural, and learnt knowledge is a common incidence. In this case, the fashion industry has shown a number of theories that support its existence and the development it has experienced throughout the years. The Shantingtung culture approach is the most common theory. It implies that the fashion and luxury sense is derived from history with some of the elements in the designs being spotted over 18000 years ago in history (Hofstede 87). The developments in the chosen fashion industry had influences from different people and cultures that they interact with. It is quite possible that the current status of the industry comes as a result of the Chinese people leaning to a given strong point in the industry. However, in this analysis of the sector, it is paramount that the scope and context in which the subject is covered is defined. The case should answer questions such as what is fashion, what is regarded as consumer behaviour, and what impact does either have on the other.

Fashion, in the clothing set, can then be traced back to the early man who wore skins and hides from different animals and of different qualities, size, as well as parts in order to create a hierarchy in the social setting. Fashion has been used as a means by which roles are subdivided and as a measure of progression, depending on the social setting it was used. In the modern setting, however, fashion is used as a measure of aesthetic properties and as a measure of wealth, which is a concept that is introduced by the reality of certain elements in fashion. Although fashion is an element that is essential to the community, especially in the business sector,& is a non-essential contribution. Clothing is a need for the human being, but how the clothing looks and feels are completely different combinations to the product.