Need an research paper on performance appraisal systems in human resource management. Needs to be 14 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on performance appraisal systems in human resource management. Needs to be 14 pages. Please no plagiarism. The beauty and challenge of managing organisations are achieving unity in diversity towards a collective goal. In this context, control becomes inevitable in the organisation because without it, the organisation will forfeit itself, as the organisation is a pre-determined social order collectively working towards one goal achieved through controlled performance (Buchanan & Huczynski 1997, quoted ‘What is an organisation?’ n.d: 1).

With employees at the centre of the organisation, productivity can only be achieved if and only if employees perform efficiently and effectively. In this context, human resources mean “the traits that people bring to the workplace [organisation] – intelligence, aptitude, commitment, tacit knowledge and skills, and ability to learn” (Javed 2009: 3). And one of the many old ways management achieves this is through performance appraisal.

Performance appraisal can be historically traced back to Fredrick Winslow Taylor’s pioneering studies of Time and Motion, but as a system management tool for evaluating employees’ performance, it really dates back to World War II (Steel Authority of India Ltd. 2008: 3), yet, it has become an integral part of the life of organisation, that has continually evolved until today trying to respond to the rapidly changing times and needs.

Having a strong impact on employees’ working lives, performance appraisal has become not only an issue dividing management and employees into two contending sides but also a favourite topic of debate among theorists and practitioners.&nbsp.