Cristina Suárez, Director of Marketing of TECKXIN will receive with certainty at the beginning of…

Cristina Suárez, Director of Marketing of TECKXIN will receive with certainty at the beginning of this year a salary of $1,200,000 and $1,350,000 at the beginning of next year. From her current endowment, she has planned to save $324,000, which will increase her future consumption by 30%.

  1. Compute the maximum present wealth (suppose that Cristina has access only to the Capital Market).
  2. Suppose Cristina is considering the possibility of buying real estate for which she will have to pay 35% of her initial salary. This real estate investment will generate a NFV (net future value) of $52,500. If the market rate does not change, compute the maximum present wealth (without possibility of future consumption) of Cristina Suárez assuming that she invests in real estate.