You can develop your personal finance skills by conducting an Internet search for related…

You can develop your personal finance skills by conducting an Internet search for related articles. Find a recent online article about personal finance that reinforces one or more concepts covered in this chapter. If your class has an online component, your professor may ask you to post your summary of the article there and provide a link to the article so that other students can access it. If your class is live, your professor may ask you to summarize your application of the article in class. Your professor may assign specific students to complete this assignment or may allow any student to do the assignment on a volunteer basis.

For recent online articles related to this chapter, consider using the following search terms (be sure to include the current year as a search term to ensure that the online articles are recent):

• Financial goals

• Identifying your financial goals

• Setting your financial goals

• Realistic financial goals

• Achieving financial goals

• Saving money

• Spending decisions