Engineering homework help

Engineering homework help. Ruth is an undercover cop who’s tailing a suspect named Charles. She starts 40 feetbehind him. Each minute she can choose to walk 0, 10, 20, 30 or 40 feet towards him.Each minute Charles will walk 0, 10, 20, 30 or 40 feet. From Ruth’s perspective hisdecision is random. He has a probability of 0.1 of walking 0 feet, a probability of 0.2 ofwalking 10 feet, a probability of 0.4 of walking 20 feet, a probability of 0.2 of walking 30feet and a probability of 0.1 of walking 40 feet.If Ruth passes him or ends up 0 feet away from him he will recognize that she is tailinghim. Anytime she ends up 10 feet away from him there is a probability of 0.6 that he willrecognize that she is tailing him. Anytime she ends up 20 feet away from him there is aprobability of 0.2 that he will recognize that she is tailing him.Anytime Ruth ends up 50 feet from him there is a probability of 0.1 that she will losehim. Anytime she ends up 60 feet from him there is a probability of 0.4 that she will losehim. Anytime she ends up 70 or more feet from him she will lose him.Ruth plans to walk 20 feet each minute. Evaluate her plan by simulating this process untilCharles walks 200 or more feet, until he recognizes that she is tailing him, or until Ruthloses him, whichever comes first. The following random numbers were drawn from 1 to100.Charles’ walk: {41, 92, 19, 67, 71, 41, 4, 3, 99, 46, 24, 26, 74, 54, 85, 3, 38, 51, 21, 96}Recognize: {6, 22, 50, 88, 87, 91, 5, 86, 49}Lose: {65, 97, 53, 42, 87, 8, 55}a. What is the result of the simulation (success, recognized or loses)?b. What is her average distance from him?c. What is her minimum distance from him?d. What is her maximum distance from him?

Engineering homework help

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