Education homework help

Education homework help. This DB focuses on themes related to chapters 2 and 3 of Richard T. Schaefer, Racial and Ethnic Groups.After spending time visiting the web site of NAACP. you will find historical information about what this civil rights organization did between 1910 and 1920, the first decade after it was founded (Students should analyze the period and bring relevant info about what was going on inside the NAACP. I am not interested in more dates since I have already done that). And you will also address this question: What did you learn from the movie “The struggle for racial equality” and the clip “The Sikhs in the US? You will write a 300 words (OR MORE) message addressing these questions.Attached is the information needed to do this assignment.Visit the web site of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and find information of how this organization has fought against racial discrimination in the US. is the information needed to do this assignment.See the movie “The struggle for racial equality”  and the clip “The Sikhs in the US”

Education homework help

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