Business homework help

Business homework help. Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses Lean management.For instance, the company’s board of directors could seek for crucial information from other board of directors from other companies on their preferred mode of production that has been successful in the other company.Secondly, they can conduct training on all the managers of the company on how to motivate employees and make better decisions affecting the company. Though the manager is not the only one entitled to making such important decisions affecting a company, their input is important. However, it is important for them to consider the input of other employees in the organization since the combined effort can bear better fruits than if a single entity was mandated to make such decisions. After some thorough investigation and gaining ample information on the required mode of production or service delivery, the board of directors, managers, and employees can then schedule a meeting and compare notes on the best alternative. They should ensure that the mode of production they come up with saves on cost but at the same time deliver quality products to customers. In addition, the mode of service delivery should enhance customer satisfaction for them to attract and retain more

Business homework help