International Development homework help

International Development homework help. Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on possible methods for water provision in an arid or semi arid region Paper must be at least 1500 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Experts affirm that sanitation and water is a link to both poverty eradication and achievement of sustained development. The above gears up the provision of impetus and focus to water, where it is recommended that the poor should get increased access to sanitation and water. Having put that across, here are the two discussed methods of water provision in the arid and semi-arid regions (McGinnies, 25). First, in arid areas, the main method of water provision is desert irrigation pumps, and desert wetlands incorporated with mangrove growing. Another method is the artificial seawater supply It is worth noting that areas like arid, are regions with scarce water supply. Therefore, the only pertinent method of acquiring water is by either irrigating the desert or the use of pumps. The above method has been in use for a thousand years by North American, Mongolia, and Latin America just to sample but a few. The method of water provision above involves building dams from the riverbed sand, which acts as a channel of water flow to adjacent fields. The above system is involving since it requires constant maintenance as well as attention due to the often overwhelming of floodwater or the damages made by the floodwaters. Further, despite the above being a key solution for water provision in the desert, it has several disadvantages. For instance, it is vital to replace spate irrigation with a dam made of concrete, which causes harm in the process. It causes harm because the above process of replacement in most cases causes the clotting of the gates from the large amounts of sediments deposited at the canals and gates. Importantly, it is wise to heed that pumps are pertinent for the irrigation process. Reckoning the old days, both the manual labor and water wheels formed a good tool for lifting water from the rivers,&nbsp.wells, and ponds for the agriculture of the land.

International Development homework help